Timothy, Sophie, Elsie, Ava, Ben, and Nadia

Timothy, Sophie, Elsie, Ava, Ben, and Nadia
Spring 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sophie's DARE Poster

Sophie is entering this "Just Say NO To Smoking" poster into the 5th grade
DARE contest.. wish her luck.  I'll keep you posted on the results!

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Cutest Little Four Eyes

Nadia put on her first pair of glasses today and said...
"I can see the clock!"

Nadia had a ton of fun picking out the style to give her that
smarty pants look to match her spunky personality...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What Sophie Wrote..

Sophie's Letter to her 5th grade class

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Masquerade Ball

Sophie, Nadia and Ava celebrated Juliette Low's birthday!  
Sophie's Girl Scout troop hosted a masquerade ball in her honor, here 
are the girls behind their masks... can you guess who's who??

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

It was much anticipated in the Galitsky household and after countless hours of preparation, costume shopping, candy shopping, pumpkin picking, scary book reading, and front porch decorating, Halloween finally arrived... Ben just kept asking, "today we really get to go trick or treating?"  He couldn't believe it was finally here... the whole night he kept saying, "I love Halloween!"  Oh to be a kid again... 

Elsie Belle figured it all out this year!  By the third house she was trying to trade her "not so full" bucket for the neighbor's candy bowl!  She kept up with the big kids and sometimes lead the pack!

The dressed up gang

TJ handed out our candy... the kids started at our house of course.  TJ brought out his guitar and played in between the trick or treaters.

We are just loving our new neighborhood more and more... everyone came out to the street and set up canopies and bonfire pits... it was fun to visit with everyone and have a safe halloween!  The kids headed down our street first and then we headed off to other parts of the neighborhood.  We even went to three houses that had "haunted" backyards... and of course to the kids delight gave out BIG candy bars!

Yikes we thought Halloween was scary ... this photo of Ben was taken on November 1st!!