Timothy, Sophie, Elsie, Ava, Ben, and Nadia

Timothy, Sophie, Elsie, Ava, Ben, and Nadia
Spring 2011

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Glass is Half Full..

Allthough, it's always sad to send my little ones back to school at the end of summer... especially with little Ava starting Kindergarten, I have to say it's wonderful getting into a new routine with my little ones at home. Ben and I have been enjoying outings with Elsie, and our quiet lunches together while she sleeps. Today we dropped Ava off at 11am and headed out to do an errand, then we came home had lunch and Ben got a haircut! When I was done cutting, he was eager to pose for some pictures and show off his haircut to his daddy. He told me "I have very blonde hair and it is becuase I go to church all the time!!" I have no idea what that means ?? But it was cute none-the-less...who knows whats's going on in that little blonde head...Anyway here are some pics of my Benner!!

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