Timothy, Sophie, Elsie, Ava, Ben, and Nadia

Timothy, Sophie, Elsie, Ava, Ben, and Nadia
Spring 2011

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ava's Bday Part 3

Finally the big day came... Ava turned 5!!  We had a family party, the Marcum's joined us and the kids played outside and had a blast... we had this awesome cake and opened some more presents... Ava opened her present from mom and dad a Hello Kitty Karaoke Machine... the kids spent hours in the bedroom singing a long with Taylor Swift... Even mom joined in!!  The mommies, daddies, TJ and his girlfriend Elizabeth got to play Taboo, while the kids were occupied... It was sooo much fun!! Ava was such a cutie-pie!

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