Timothy, Sophie, Elsie, Ava, Ben, and Nadia

Timothy, Sophie, Elsie, Ava, Ben, and Nadia
Spring 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hello Virginia!

Shortly after arriving to VA in July 2011, our family got to experience two of nature's wonder's... The earthquake was a shocker!  We thought we'd moved to the quake-free coast!  Hopefully we won't see that again for a while.  The second wonder we were well prepared for... thanks to helpful ward members and neighbors, of course when the power went out and wasn't expected back on for week we left town!!  We woke up early Sunday morning, cleaned up the debris, cleaned out the two refrigerators (learned not to stock up on frozen foods during hurricane season), and by 10am we hit the road... headed to none other than Hilton Head Island, SC!  We had a blast!  Everyone, even Andre got their island vibe on.. we didn't want to to come home!  Needless to say with the short six hour drive we are hoping to make HHI our "go to" vacation spot!

Sophie, Nadia, Ava and Ben 
explore the beach by our resort

Our last night on HHI

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