Timothy, Sophie, Elsie, Ava, Ben, and Nadia

Timothy, Sophie, Elsie, Ava, Ben, and Nadia
Spring 2011

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Grandparnts Day

Ava's Bday Part 3

Finally the big day came... Ava turned 5!!  We had a family party, the Marcum's joined us and the kids played outside and had a blast... we had this awesome cake and opened some more presents... Ava opened her present from mom and dad a Hello Kitty Karaoke Machine... the kids spent hours in the bedroom singing a long with Taylor Swift... Even mom joined in!!  The mommies, daddies, TJ and his girlfriend Elizabeth got to play Taboo, while the kids were occupied... It was sooo much fun!! Ava was such a cutie-pie!

So Many Milestones... So Little Time

I can hardly take it, birthdays, kindergarten, overnight camp, upside-down roller coasters, drivers permits.. and to top it all off guess who got a highchair this week... My little Elsie is sitting up at the table with us now, enjoying pears, squash, green beans, and good old H2O in a sippy cup!!  Can you believe it??  Oh Elsie... I love  that big smile!!

Gotta Luv Him

Andre Makes Waffles from scratch while putting Elsie to sleep!
My Mr. Mom... could you ask for more..

Be Still My Beating Heart...

Yes... That is what it looks like... TJ is on the road!!  He took is driver's permit test last week and passed on the first try!  Everything else is history... He and his dad have had several "training sessions" in Andre's car of course, and TJ is in Heaven!  Unfortunately, I found out that I know nothing about driving and especially about teaching someone how to drive... who knew?  :)  So I will be on the sidelines cheering, and having frequent small heart attacks... It's a mother's job!  In Kentucky you can get your permit at 16 but cannot have a full license for one year, so TJ will be driving a lot over the next year... it's gonna be fun!!

Ava's Bday Part 2

"I always dreamed of this! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa"

Labor Day Fun

We spent Labor Day with our friends, the Marcums, at Kings Island Amusement Park in Cinncinatti... It as awesome, gorgeous weather, and a beautiful theme park.  The kids had a blast with their friends, and loved, loved, loved all the rides.  Nadia and Sarah even went on all the big roller coasters with their daddies, including one that went upside down 7 times!!  Here's a pic of Ben planning out the day with his brochure and map... more pics to come later...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sophie and Her Daddy

Sophie and her dadday shared and apple...

Built and airplane with Ben's legos...

Ande took theese Super cute pics of themselves!

Nature's Candy

Little Elsie is just a few days shy of 6 months old... We started introducing some solid foods this weekend!  Here she is going to town on her first piece of fresh pear... she couldn't get enough :)  We put the pear in this little mesh feeder and had to pry it out of her little hands to refill it... guess she's on to us now... there's more in this world than just milk!

Ava Get's An Early Birthday Present From the Pajors

"Thank you Maggie, it's just what I always wanted!"

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sophie's World

Sophie's 4th grade went on their two-day nature camp last week... Here's Sophie loading her things the morning they left... She was sooo excited and sooo nervous :)  We just think she's such a cutie!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Glass is Half Full..

Allthough, it's always sad to send my little ones back to school at the end of summer... especially with little Ava starting Kindergarten, I have to say it's wonderful getting into a new routine with my little ones at home. Ben and I have been enjoying outings with Elsie, and our quiet lunches together while she sleeps. Today we dropped Ava off at 11am and headed out to do an errand, then we came home had lunch and Ben got a haircut! When I was done cutting, he was eager to pose for some pictures and show off his haircut to his daddy. He told me "I have very blonde hair and it is becuase I go to church all the time!!" I have no idea what that means ?? But it was cute none-the-less...who knows whats's going on in that little blonde head...Anyway here are some pics of my Benner!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Apple...

Never falls far from the tree... My little Sophie's profile looks sooo familiar :)
Sophie celebrated her 9th, yes I said 9th, birthday... We had a family party with her brothers and sisters and our Nanny Heather! Daddy was able to come back from New York just in time for dinner!!

We had Sophie's request, Meat Pie (Grandma Susan's recipe) and a homemade cake, pink with sparkles of course! She had presents from all her friends and family in Minnesota and now Oregon on the door step that day... it was awesome... she loved it... Thanks guys!!

On Friday, I took Sophie and 10 of her girlfriends out to dinner and then they had a sleepover! They were all such great girls... It was a blast!

My Baby Wants To Crawl!!

Elsie at 5 months...
Love that sweet smile...

And off she goes.. trying to crawl already!

Ava's 1st Day of Kindergarten Part 2

This most adorable picture ever came home in Ava's backpack... with the homemade magnet and all!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen...

Presenting the Class of 2023!

My Little Ava is off to Kindergarten... She couldn't be any happier at this moment!! We Love you Ava!

First Day of School... 2010/2011

The kids were off to their first day of school today! It was awesome, everyone was really excited... well, except for TJ... but he came home excited, and so did all the other kids... I think that's what really counts! TJ is especially excited about his German class pretty soon it 's gonna be all "Fahrvergnugen" around here :)

Elsie Auditions for the Local Production of E.T.

Monday, August 2, 2010

August Rush

Well July is over, and August is here... It's gonna fly by, school starts next week and we have a lot to do this week to get ready! Our little Ava is starting Kindergarten!! We had a blast this summer... Last week we spent an evening at the lake...

The kids just floated along.

Ben and Ava spotted a wild blue seal

tThen they floated along with the seal.

We didn't need to bring theese....

But it's a good thing we brought theese!

Hey Soul Sister...

I don't want to miss a single thing you do...

Her tiny toes discovered the sand and the waves this weekend :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Ben's Big Dream...

Ben and TJ... and Daddy, all the boys wanted to get in on this action!
Ben tells us that he "dreams" of driving his car bed to Washington, DC :)

Who Let The Galitsky Family Out?

We spent most of June and part of July on the road... We went to Wisconsin Dells, visited family and friends in Minnesota, and topped it all off with Fourth of July in Chi-town where we met grandma and grandpa and saw the most amazing fireworks ever!!

Grandma and Grandpa Smith's House

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last Day of School 2009-2010

The girl's looking over their report cards... they were awesome... Good job girls!

Sophie's 3rd grade class had a Hawaiian themed end-of-the-year celebration. I made these fruit kabobs... my two little munchkins, Ben and Ava, picked the flowers and added them to the tray!